How to Improve Running Form: 7 Tips for Happy Runs

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Previously, we discussed ways to avoid different types of injuries, but we have not delved into the topic of perfect running form. Mastering proper form is crucial for preventing injuries, especially for beginners. Running offers many benefits and improving your form would allow you to experience them to the best extent. Additionally, it can significantly enhance your running performance by making you a more efficient athlete. 

Do you want to run like a professional or elite runner? Here are tips that could help you see improvement in running form:

1. Look straight ahead when running

According to Harvard Health, If you look down while running, similar to how people may look at their screens, then it may hurt your neck due to strain. Likewise, when you are on a a run, your should focus your eyes on the ground approximately 10 to 20 feet away from you. 

Even more important, looking ahead of you can help you with something that is coming your way (i.e. a car). In terms of their running form, a runner should always remember that their safety comes first. After all, someone who gets injured early on their journey will not be able to improve at running and may lose interest in running in the future.

 Looking ahead can also help you from falling because it is better than looking at your feet while running, which may make you dizzy. Even in my experience, it feels much easier to run when looking ahead rather than looking down.

Also, do not lean forward with your head because it could cause tension in the neck and shoulder. This can lead to neck or shoulder pain or injuries after running, so it is best to keep your head straight. 

2. The perfect body form

runner, running, form

A runner’s body should be straight, with the head up (like you read earlier) and back straight. Likewise, you should ensure you are not slouching when running as it is inefficient and can lead to pain. 

If you are an experienced runner, you could also try leaning slightly forward with your entire body (while keeping your head straight). If you do lean while running, make sure it feels comfortable and you can run easily. You should NOT lean from your waist as that can increase your chances of injury while running. Also, leaning too far forward may cause you to fall. 

In the beginning, you do not have to lean forward when you are getting used to running as it may be difficult to balance. However, as you progress, you can start leaning very slightly (with your entire body) to get in the habit of running more efficiently.

The lean may take you a while to get used to, but it helps you to be more efficient and improve your speed. **Only utilize the forward lean in your workout if you feel completely comfortable with it.**

When fatigued, runners should not lean forward or back on their waist, which is usually what beginners tend to do. Leaning forward from the waist can lead to back, neck, and shoulder pain. To fix this, you can try to fluff out your chest if you feel like you are slouching.

In addition to maintaining proper running form, it’s crucial to ensure that your feet remain relaxed during your run. Stiffness in the feet can lead to foot strain and discomfort, potentially increasing the risk of injury. So, make sure you pay attention to your feet when you are running.

3. Relax your hands and your shoulders 

Shoulders should be relaxed and facing forward, not stiff or hunched over when running to make sure it is the most comfortable. Also, shoulders should not be close to the ears, if this happens try squeezing your shoulder blades together and then relax your shoulders again. This will help relieve the stiffness temporarily. 

Try to avoid holding an object (such as your phone) while running as this can cause your shoulder to tighten. A person should also relax their hands when trying to run because it can cause tension in your entire arm.

Likewise, do not tighten your hands into fists, as this can lead to pain in your arms, shoulders, and neck when running. The most recommended way to relax your hands while running is to make a relaxed fist with your hands with some open space in the middle.

4. Avoid jumping when running (bouncing)

Bouncing when running is known as vertical oscillation and wastes a lot of energy. It is a very common mistake that new runners make when starting and they end up very tired, so it is important to avoid it. 

Vertical oscillation results in a person going higher away from the ground compared to running. This results in higher shock absorption when they hit the ground again and this takes a lot of energy when running. This can lead to various strain injuries such as ankle strains or other injuries that are related to the legs.

How can you avoid this? Well, you should try landing softly on your feet and focus on a quick cadence (short steps). This ensures that you do not bounce while running, ensuring efficiency and preventing injuries. 

5. Good form for your arms

Most runners overlook the importance of their arms when running, which can lead to wrong form. If you have ever ran with your arms straight (as if you were on a casual walk) on your sides, then you may have noticed that your shoulders twist back and forth. This is the reason why runners use arm swings, to counter this momentum of back and forth from the shoulders.

So, your arms should swing back and forth from your shoulder and they should always be at your sides. Furthermore, your arms should be at an approximate 90-degree angle (may change whether you’re running downhill or uphill). If your arms are crossing over your chest while running, it may mean you are hunching over too much, which can cause strain on the shoulders.

Try to keep your arms and hands to the side and parallel to each other for the best and most efficient running. Make sure they are relaxed and not tight, as this may cause your hand to hurt after finishing your runs. This can also help your running efficiency and save energy by preventing your arms from causing strain.

6. Avoid over striding

Over striding is when a runner puts their feet way too far away from their center of gravity. This can be very damaging to runners in the long term as it may lead to knee or foot injuries. 

When a runner is over striding, it usually means that a runner may land on their heels. This is harmful because it leads to a lot of shock absorption in that area, making runners prone to injuries.

Landing on heels can also drastically slow runners down during their runs. Runners should aim to land on their midfoot to propel their body forward. They could also utilize a forefoot strike to minimize injuries at the lower part of the legs, but this may take some more energy.

Always make sure that your knees land under your center of gravity, which means right under your thighs. Getting used to this form of running will help you be more efficient and prevent any strain injuries from occurring.

7. How to make sure your running form is good

Ask someone to record you when you are running. Make sure you are running like you always would and do not try to force yourself to run differently. 

Then, you can analyze your form to look for any mistakes you may be making, and see where there is room for improvement. You can try to gradually correct your form and ease into running with better form. 

If you notice multiple mistakes, do not try to correct them all at once. I recommend focusing on one aspect of your running form at a time on each of your run. This way you can work on gradually improving your running form and become a more efficient runner.

If you have trouble correcting your form, it may be best to visit a doctor or a PT for help. It may be expensive, but it will help you find any critical problems in your form.


In order to enjoy the many benefits that running offers, you have to make sure you have good running form. As you have found out in this article, running form is very necessary in order to run efficiently and avoid injuries. For the most part, make sure you are relaxed when you are running. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner, focusing on your form can significantly improve your performance and reduce the risk of injuries. So, the next time you hit the pavement, focus on maintaining your form and enjoy your run!

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