How to Get Started Running: Perfect Tips for Beginners

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You are interested in running, but you don’t know where to start. If this describes you perfectly, then you have to be in the right place. Moreover, it may be surprising to beginners that some people can run for hours without stopping, but it is possible with practice.

Before I start with the specific tips, the first step is to get out there and put in the effort! You can try researching and giving tips but you can’t improve if you don’t start. Likewise, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

It is also important to identify why you are running. Are you trying to lose weight, run competitively, or just doing it for fun? Structure your effort and speed based on how hard you want to run.

1) Run-walk for beginners

You might be intending to run the second after you get out of the door, but you feel tired and pain in the legs after 5 minutes. Whether or not you already do another sport or fresh from your couch, you need time to get into running. 

So, when you start running, try using the run-walk method. This method is perfect for gradually building up your strength and speed, allowing you to run without worrying about getting injured. 

To get started, try running for a minute, followed by walking. Next, set yourself a goal time (for example: 20 minutes), then start by running for 1-2 minutes followed by walking for 2-4 minutes till you reach your 20 minute goal. This way you will prevent yourself from feeling unmotivated and start seeing progress.

After you finish your workout, walk for a few minutes as a cool down so your legs do not cramp up later. If you require more recovery, you could even try stretching after (which I will explain later). Also, remember that you can customize your run-walk routine to best fit your needs, so don’t be afraid to increase your walking time and reduce your running time when you are starting out.

2) Strengthen your legs

Most beginners report feeling pain in their legs after running (especially their feet or ankles). This common pain can soon turn into injuries and So how do you avoid getting injured?

You could try doing squats, leg lunges, and ankle twists in order to strengthen your legs for running. A very good exercise for beginners I would recommend is sitting in a chair and trying to write out the entire alphabet with your feet, without moving your legs. 

Doing these exercises would help you prevent some of the pain that running would bring and prevent various injuries. I recommend you do these exercises a few hours after running (or before if you run at night), so that it does not interfere with your running itself. 

Some also recommend core exercises because your core controls your posture. Training your core will prevent you from being hunched over and minimize back pain while running. If you want to do core exercise, do them with leg strengthening exercises.

Here are some more tips on common injuries and how to prevent them: 

3) Warm ups and cool downs for beginners

If you want to start and finish a run without too much stress on your joints, then you should include a warm up and cool down. Most beginners usually skip this part, but it will help loosen your tight muscles and help you run better. 

In terms of your warm up, do a simple dynamic (continuous movement) warmup that consists of walking lunges, leg swings, and heel and toe walks. Run for 3-5 minutes and then do your dynamic stretching before the start of your work. If you do this, then your joints will feel much better during your workout.

After your workout, you should also include a cool down that consists of static stretches. Examples of static stretching include, but aren’t limited to, hamstring stretch, runner’s lunge, and quad stretch. Including a cool down after a workout will help you recover faster for your next workout.

4) Plan and schedule accordingly

beginners planning for runners

It is important to note that able-bodied beginners should do at least 3 runs per week for maximum improvement. We are all busy people and it may be difficult to find the time to run, but you have to make yourself time for running to improve.

If you have work during the morning, try running during the weekend or at night. Likewise, plan out all your schedules beforehand so you can know whether you can run on specific days. 

Always remember this: the best improvement comes from running when you are not feeling like running. Afterall, you can’t improve at running if you don’t run!

5) Make goals as beginners

Beginners tend to feel demotivated when running, especially if they don’t see satisfactory improvement. Adding to the last point, you may need motivation to hit the pavement running. If you need extra motivation, then make yourself a goal. For example, make a goal such as, “I will run 2 miles today without stopping.” 

Not only would this motivate you to run, but it would also give a clear vision of what you are trying to accomplish. Moreover, achieving your goals, no matter how small, is one of the most pleasant feelings you can experience.

However, make sure your goals are achievable in under a year and are actually possible. Putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to injury and failing to meet any goals. So, make sure you are aware of your abilities when coming up with goals.

6) Focus on YOUrself

With so many people sharing their fitness journeys, it may feel very demotivational. However, you should know that you are just a beginner and you should not compare yourself to others. Everyone is inherently different and has a different journey towards their goals.

Also, focusing on yourself does not mean you can’t take tips or improve by watching others. I would recommend improving your running form by watching videos of experienced runners. Study arm movement, where their foot lands, and their body posture in order to enhance your running style.

Here are some tips on running form: 


As a beginner, it may be difficult for you to get running and improve. It may be a difficult journey but you will gain pleasure in achieving an improvement. So set yourself a goal, follow the tips above, and go out and run.

Finally, don’t be discouraged if you don’t improve quickly. Everyone is different and takes different steps to achieve their goals. Anyways, good luck with your running journey!

Where next?

Here are some other articles after you make progress:

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